Friday 5 February 2021

Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro is angered of being called "Captain Chloroquine" on Twitter

The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, showed yesterday his anger by being called Captain Chloroquine on the social media. After aggressively pushing chloroquine for covid onto the Brazilian population, now the Brazilian president complains about his earned nickname of "Capitão Cloroquina".

The above art, made by illustrator @crisvector has been seen by thousands of people. Thousands of messages calling Bolsonaro Captain Cloroquina also won the Brazilian digital platforms.

Among the absurdities committed by Bolsonaro in his government, one of the most serious is the very public defense of the use of chloroquine and its derivative, hydroxychloroquine, in the fight against coronavirus. 

Now, fearing to suffer lawsuits in court, Bolsonaro said he considered Chloroquine a placebo and that he, in ordering the purchase of the drug and recommending its use did not kill anyone. However, that is not what the experts say. If the Brazilian government, instead of spending public funds buying Chloroquine, had prepared better for the lack of oxygen in hospitals in the city of Manaus, dozens of lives could have been saved.
For example, for researcher and professor Sabine Boettger Righetti, if the Brazilian government, instead of spending "public money on medicine that does not work for Covid instead of investing in oxygen, in ICU, in vaccine insums, then, yes, they killed a lot of people."

But now, there's nowhere to hide since he pushed this awful and false idea of using a medication with side effects like anxiety, trouble breathing, tightness in the chest etc.

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